Past Life Regression

A past life is a life you have lived before your current one. You lived it in a different body, often a different gender, race. With different parents and friends, dreams, beliefs, priorities, skills, loves, hates, and fears. When you meet that earlier “you” you might not recognize yourself. Some of the physical and psychological makeup of that earlier “you” remains subconsciously influencing you today, for good or ill, just as you will influence your future lives.

Exploring past lives is a way of tracing “the mystery in your life”. It maybe seen as similar to a ritual of time travel into imaginal space of personal unconscious, also known as “the times of real soul-making”. Other therapy names for this is story therapy, far-memory exploration, active imagination through metaphors (Jung’s collective unconscious).

The purpose of past life exploration can be seen as a tool to be drawn back into an ancient story that is especially rich in personal relevance for you. No matter what terms we use, there are memories in your soul-u-lar level.

Whether we call it soul-work or nonsense, the memories and emotions ARE there and influencing us right below the surface. We feel the entire spectrum of emotions just like the pain of a phantom limb. With intention we explore imagination and reality. These memories may explain current patterns and desires that you don’t understand how they became.

When one chooses to explore past lives it is important to set aside any bias to do the work within one’s own mind. These memories are accessible by everyone when one stays open and willing to experience the new perspective to one’s soul’s existence with a sense of wonder. Long standing patterns and questions may be viewed with new perspective to reframe in this lifetime what is worthy to keep or not.

Déjà vu, dreams, and current life patterns are often clues for earlier experiences. Unexplained desires to travel to specific locations, skills that are expressed strongly, taste in a specific décor, clothing, colors, cuisine, and music are examples of the soul’s memory.

Past lives, whether positive or negative, may have influences in this current life. If this influence is deeply embedded in the body and psyche a soul re-integration might assist the reframing process.

The theory of reincarnation explains we live many lives to accumulate layers of wisdom and life experiences. Like lifetimes of trials and errors, the circle of life patterns, experience all the necessary functions of pattern to learn skills to live by.

Learning to love and be compassionate with genuine desire that all beings, all life forms, be shown kindness. While mastering these same energies/patterns is taught by ancient cultures to be the most important to make us truly human. With this we begin to understand our role and mission in this life on a personal level and in the greater Universal scheme.

Disclaimer: Past Life Regression compliments your own health/medical care programs and your psychotherapies. This is not a replacement for those programs.